Friday, July 24, 2009

Bathroom Remodel Still Continues ...

Yesterday was grouting wall tile day. Lyle worked hard getting all the tiles grouted. It was drying faster than he wanted. (You have to start gently cleaning off the excess at the right time, or you will need a lot of elbow grease to get it off.) He called for my help. (I told him to get a picture of me, because it was about the only contribution I was making to the upgrade!)
Here he is, scrubbing down the excess on the north and west walls.
Looking better, but still needs the finishing caps.

Later last evening, Lyle painted the upper walls.
Here he is today, putting on the finishing tile caps.

We are getting close! After returning the 1st toilet that was broken, the new "best flush" toilet was successfully installed. The vanity is moved in, but is not secured or plumbed. That is tomorrow's work.
The end is in sight! Sink, faucet, drain, and door! Then it will be the accessories that are not yet picked out, but we will have a functioning downstairs bathroom by tomorrow! YEA!
Again, Lyle is amazing! It has been only a week and a half to do all this work!
He said the laundry room is next! I guess the work never really ends!


coryandannie said...

You guys did such a GROUT job on this, I bet you're FLOATing on air.

(Had to thesaurus the latter pun)


Twice the blessing, plus one said...

It is beatiful! I need to do the floor in our masterbath, maybe I am getting some inspiration!!!! Or maybe, I'll just admire!