Here is Lyle giving Ainsley a little love.
Ainsley got a new bib. Right now she needs bibs. She just cut her 1st tooth last week.
Time to open presents....

Nugget the cat was having a great time in the bumbo.
At 4:00 We were in Fresno at Sheryl and Danny's with Lyle's cousins. We always have fun with the cousins.
Avery (1) did her own thing.... you could find her reading books or clinging to mommy Sheryl.
This is our family call with David. Nancy was holding the phone and everyone was talking to David in San Francisco.

Danny got a helicopter for Christmas. He was entertaining us with flying it in the house. I must say, he was quite a good pilot!
Addison got a singing and dancing Mickey Mouse. Pretty fun to watch!
Sheryl... being funny!
Guys hanging out.
Sara, Geoff, and baby Caleb, Maddie in the purple. Danny missed dinner with the family, he was called to Visalia to see his grandpa in the hospital and support his mom.

This year we brought shiny sunglasses for everyone. Lyle got most everyone's pictures. There were no group pictures this year. Too tired, I guess.
Linda and Bob
Sara, Geoff with glasses on top of the heads.
Addison and Maddie
So the real fun began for the kids and Nappy the dog, when Lyle laid down on the floor to tease and play with the dog and kids.
The kids went crazy throwing paper, jumping on Lyle, yelling... We were all laughing and encouraging the rough-housing... Joshua had the best time with that box and Lyle!

In the end, the kids raced and cleaned up all the paper. They did a great job! No damage to the house or people. Fun memories created!
When we were leaving, the rain was really coming down and Lorraine was just getting to the party. She handed us our gifts as we were climbing into the car. We missed not being able to catch up with her.
It was a great Christmastime. God has been so good to us. We feel really blessed.
Special thanks to Kate and Sheryl for all the preparation of the houses and food. You are great gals! Thanks for including us in your Holiday plans.