Thursday, August 6, 2009

Grandma Lois Takes a Fall!

Last night at 8:30 I got a call from Sharon Rogers that my mom had fallen in her church parking lot and an ambulance was on its way. I said I would be right there.
As we pulled up, there were 4 police cars, 1 fire engine, and an ambulance parked at the church and basically everyone from the church was watching and praying in the parking lot.
Mom was still lying on the ground as I ran up to her.
I could tell by her behavior and her look that this was NOT as serious as everyone was making it out to be. I questioned her about broken bones or other pains. She said, just her head was hit and it did not even hurt. Because the ambulance was there and the bandages were on, we decided to continue to Hanford Community Hospital for a check up.
When it was time to get on the stretcher, with help, mom stood to her feet and sat down on the stretcher. (of course, I grabbed my camera!)
The paramedic said the gash was deep and may require stitches. The police officer who had her driver's license said he would take her statement at the hospital. With my concerns about my mom's condition, I did not know exactly what had happened until we got to the hospital.Lyle told me that a lady in the church was backing out and hit mom's walker with her car which threw her to the ground. Delores was frantic and was claiming never to drive again! However, mom's story was quite different. She said she knew Delores was not seeing her, so she was hurrying out of the way and tripped on the leg of the walker. I guess both reports were filed with the hospital because her release record claims she was hit by a car. But mom said she told the police that she tripped. Who knows what all the records say. But, we sent word to Delores to sleep well, she did NOT hit her friend!
After nearly 4 hours in emergency, Mom got 3 stitches and a cat scan. She was released and sent home 12:30a.m.
(This morning, she said she slept well until 4 this morning and then had to take a Tylenol for pain. But other than that, she was fine.)
I want to thank all the people who were praying for her and attending to her needs! She is doing great and will be strong enough to take on any more challenges. She is a great mom, friend, and Christian prayer warrior! I love you mom! Get better!


Travel_with_a_purpose said...

I'm glad to hear she is all right!

coryandannie said...

Be careful great-grandma Lois! We love you!