Thursday, August 9, 2007

Farmers' Market with Cory & Annie

Here we are at the Farmer's Market again....
Look at the New Yorkers marveling at the bargains...

Sampling the sweet tastes of home.....

Intrigued by the Pluot names....

Buying the fresh "cheap" produce....

Posin' with family and friends....

Stylin' in the town...

Lookin' good for the camera...

Meeting Neil and Fran Brock....

Seeing Linda and Mark Christian...
We left Cory, Annie, Kristian, and Micah as they left for coffee at the corner shop.
Always cool to see family and friends!

1 comment:

nate-in-the-box said...

it is such a shame that couple doesn't photograph well. (curse them)nice to see you all back together.